Our branches

In your area, too

Not only do we enjoy the luxury of working in picturesque settings, we have also chosen our Chemnitz, Dresden and Ravensburg branches with a strategic and logistic sense. Along with numerous other important locations throughout Saxony, they offer short distances and sustainable networking within the market regions of Central Germany and the federal state of Baden Wuerttemberg.

Chemnitz office
A company history of more than 25 years binds us to Chemnitz, which is also called the "City of Modernity". Here is where we founded our company and to this day the city has remained an exciting place of work for us as well as for numerous other visionaries and founders. Since the political change in Germany and the fall of the Berlin wall, more than 7,000 new businesses have been started.
Weststraße 86
09116 Chemnitz
Tel.: + 49 371 38204-0
Fax: + 49 371 38204-29
Dresden office
Being both an important economic region in Germany and a city of historical, innovative as well as modern architecture, Dresden makes perfect entrepreneurial sense. Thus, working in Saxony's beautiful capital is self-evident to us.
Altroßthal 3
01169 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 21307-86
Fax: +49 351 21307-85
Ravensburg office
The "City of Towers and Gates" with its lovely old town centre is a very special domicile to both work and live in. Many long established companies have made Ravensburg the location of their choice, their entrepreneurial spirit pervading the city. To us, it is the most suitable base for operating in the Baden-Wuerttemberg market region.
Bachstraße 23
88214 Ravensburg
Tel.: +49 751 56113-0
Fax: +49 751 56113-40
Locations throughout Saxony
Locations such as Leipzig and Mittweida are very important to us, even if we do not maintain any branch offices there. Saxony is booming both economically and culturally. Our operating throughout the entire territory of the federal state is not only lucrative, but also forward-looking and motivating.

Chemnitz office
Phone: 0371 / 382040
Adr.: Weststraße 86 in 09116 Chemnitz

Hausverwaltung Chemnitz
Tel: 0371-382040
Mo: 08:30-12:30 Uhr I Di: 13:30-17:30 Uhr I Do: 08:30-12:30 Uhr + 13:30-17:30 Uhr I Fr: 08:30-12:30 Uhr

Dresden office
Phone: 0351-2130786
Adr.: Altroßthal 3 in 01169 Dresden

Ravensburg office
Phone: 0751-561130
Adr.: Bachstraße 23, 88214 Ravensburg

Phone: 0160-90615785

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