Immobilienmakler: erfahrene Partner


The high expertise of our qualified staff and our long-standing business experience make our company stand out. We have about 50 employees at our various branch offices. Let us introduce some of our professionally diversified teams in a little more detail.

Malte Laub

Malte Laub  - Managing director

For 4 generations, the Laub family has been operating successfully as entrepreneurs in different types of business. Since the Laub Real Estate Group was founded in 1992, Malte Laub has been the managing director of all its enterprises. Having gained qualifications as a bank clerk and financial assistant as well as holding degrees in Property and Housing Management and Real Estate Administration, he has obtained core competencies in all business areas of the company's wide range of services.

Laub Immobilienmakler: Sekretariat

Immobilienmakler: Sekretariat

Front desk

Our friendly ladies at the front desk receive you with a warm welcome. They are the first contact for our clients and partners, coordinate both the internal and external communication of the company, whether it is in writing or verbal, and manage all organisational matters. They also support the management by their expert administration of the archive and file keeping.

Laub Immobilienmakler: Ihr Makler-Team

Immobilienmakler: Immobilie verkaufen

Sales / Letting department

Our sales team is characterised by sound negotiation skills, market expertise and business experience. Constant observation and analysis of the real estate markets makes our sales experts your competent partner in all valuation, acquisition and sales matters. They bring together sellers and prospective buyers, prepare sales contracts and develop concepts for revitalisation measures.

With just as much competence, our employees of the letting team attend to our clients. They are specialist consultants, who take up wishes and demands and on this basis find the perfect property. While constantly in touch with the clients, they deal with the letting of all kinds of properties, prepare exposés and provide support throughout the entire process from property viewing to successful hand-over.

Laub Immobilienmakler: Hausverwaltung

Immobilienmakler: Hausverwaltung

Property management

We know that a holistic approach to the management of our properties leads to value appreciation for the owners in the long term. Therefore, our employees in property management provide the best possible, individual support to owners and tenants. The property management has direct access to our technical construction supervisors as well as our own team of craftsmen and caretakers, thus ensuring short communication paths and quick response in the case of damage. The employees in this department are responsible for viewings and hand-overs of apartments, but also for everyday tenant support.

Laub real estate agents: Accounting

Immobilienmakler: Buchhaltung


The committed staff of this team is in charge of the financial bookkeeping for all the enterprises belonging to the group, as well as for rental and owner-community accounting. Not only does this comprise the execution of payment transactions and invoicing, it also includes the treasuring of the company's solvency, profit and loss accounting, balance sheet preparation, and, crucially, account management. Apart from that, the employees in accounts deal with revenue and expenditure of the real estate holdings, debt collection and the payment of the rental incomes to the owners.

Laub real estate agents: commercial management

Immobilienmakler: Organisation

Vickie Jentsch  - Commercial management

Ms Vickie Jentsch is highly appreciated because of her professional and social skills, her reliability and entrepreneurial spirit. Holding the position of authorised signatory, she works side by side with Malte Laub in the management of the company and is in charge of internal processes, personnel as well as notarial matters, negotiations, and financial monitoring. Both have been a well-functioning and experienced team for years.

In addition, she is also responsible for the commercial company documentation and credit rating records, contract and company management. Malte Laub and Vickie Jentsch control corporate processes with very high proficiency, take care of personnel management as well as bank matters.

Immobilienmakler: Hausmeisterservice

Immo & Grund  - Departmental management

The facility management and repair service Immo & Grund embraces the fact that sustainable and professional maintenance of real estate is an essential prerequisite for successful property management with long-term yields. With long-standing experience, the company coordinates craftsman services, controls corporate processes and administers quality and personnel management. This is why the Laub Group relies on the company's technical competence whenever needed.

Renovation & janitorial services: Immo & Grund

Immobilienmakler: Hausmeisterservice

Immo & Grund  - Services

Immo & Grund has been supporting us in construction matters and facility management services since 1995. The employees apply their know-how in various areas:

- Renovation and construction services
- Construction management
- Maintenance and small repairs
- Revitalisation
- Construction consultancy and remedial action
- Facility management


Our motivated staff make sure that all your wishes are implemented.

Immobilienmakler: gemeinsam

Together, for your objectives and visions

We are your experienced real estate partner

Whether as agent, landlord, manager or investor - we put the service concept into practice to the benefit of our clients with dynamics, commitment and expertise.

We are available for you Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm. We look forward to arranging an appointment with you, also outside the regular business hours.


Weststraße 86
09116 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49 371 38204-0
Fax: +49 371 38204-29


Altroßthal 3
01169 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 2130786
Fax: +49 351 2130785


Bachstraße 23
88214 Ravensburg
Tel.: +49 751 561130
Fax: +49 751 5611340

Emergency Phone

Laub & Cie: +49 160-90615785
Immo & Grund: +49 176-55826914

Chemnitz office
Phone: 0371 / 382040
Adr.: Weststraße 86 in 09116 Chemnitz

Hausverwaltung Chemnitz
Tel: 0371-382040
Mo: 08:30-12:30 Uhr I Di: 13:30-17:30 Uhr I Do: 08:30-12:30 Uhr + 13:30-17:30 Uhr I Fr: 08:30-12:30 Uhr

Dresden office
Phone: 0351-2130786
Adr.: Altroßthal 3 in 01169 Dresden

Ravensburg office
Phone: 0751-561130
Adr.: Bachstraße 23, 88214 Ravensburg

Phone: 0160-90615785

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